
Relaxing massage therapy

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Relaxing massage therapy

I find myself being unable to get to sleep sometimes due to my back pain. There are many research papers on back pain but I know that one of the best therapies is massage. I like to try different options so I have been researching which option is the most successful for both immediate pain relief and long term reduction of back pain. On this site I keep a track of current research as well as different practical techniques people use. It's great to be able to understand how people are working on your body and be an active participant in your recovery.



The Physiological Impact of Massage: A Guide

Massage is the go-to treatment for a range of physical health conditions. This article will explore the physiological effects of massage by looking at what happens to the body when it is massaged and how massage can be used to improve health and well-being. Read on to discover more! Massage can improve circulation Massage is a popular technique for improving circulation. By applying pressure and manipulating the skin, massage therapists can increase blood flow to specific areas of the body. Read More 

The Best Way To Manage Old Sports Injuries

Australia is a country of enthusiastic sports lovers, and from the time you can walk, there is a sport you can take part in. The unfortunate side effect of this is that sports injuries are very commonplace across the population. While that may be easier to deal with when you are younger as you start getting into your late 20s and then into your 30s and 40s, these aches and pains start presenting themselves much more obviously and painfully. Read More 

More Than Meets the Eye: How Your Physiotherapist Can Help You

If you've ever visited a physiotherapist for help healing an injury, you'll know exactly how useful they can be in repairing your body.  But did you know that healing injuries are not the only thing that physiotherapy can help you with?  In fact, these professionals have a wide variety of therapeutic skills – and applications for those skills – that you could consider visiting them for.  Here are just a couple: Pain Relief Read More 

4 Reasons to See a Sports Masseur When You Have Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, despite the name, is not a condition seen only in tennis players. A repetitive stress injury that affects the muscles surrounding the elbow, it can occur among other types of people who commonly place plenty of stress on their arms, including those involved in repetitive tasks or heavy lifting. In any case, tennis elbow can be an extremely unpleasant sports injury; discomfort can become quite severe, and it's a real pain having to wait for the condition to heal. Read More 

Common Physiotherapy Treatment Methods

If you have suffered an injury playing sports or from being active, you may have to visit a physiotherapist for treatment. Physiotherapists are healthcare professionals who specialise in helping patients overcome muscle tightness, limited range of motion and joint paint that can linger after an injury. As this is your first time visiting a physiotherapist, here are some of the treatment methods you can expect on your first visit. Manual Therapy -- Manual therapy is a form of massage that a physiotherapist uses to restore mobility in your joints and muscles. Read More