
Relaxing massage therapy

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Relaxing massage therapy

I find myself being unable to get to sleep sometimes due to my back pain. There are many research papers on back pain but I know that one of the best therapies is massage. I like to try different options so I have been researching which option is the most successful for both immediate pain relief and long term reduction of back pain. On this site I keep a track of current research as well as different practical techniques people use. It's great to be able to understand how people are working on your body and be an active participant in your recovery.



Common Physiotherapy Treatment Methods

If you have suffered an injury playing sports or from being active, you may have to visit a physiotherapist for treatment. Physiotherapists are healthcare professionals who specialise in helping patients overcome muscle tightness, limited range of motion and joint paint that can linger after an injury. As this is your first time visiting a physiotherapist, here are some of the treatment methods you can expect on your first visit. Manual Therapy -- Manual therapy is a form of massage that a physiotherapist uses to restore mobility in your joints and muscles. Read More 

3 Drug-Free Treatment Options for Migraines

Migraines can leave you unable to keep up with daily tasks and confined to bed with excruciating pain that lasts for a day or more at a time. Migraine medications can cause side effects such as gastrointestinal upset and mood changes, but there are alternative treatment options you can try. Here's an overview of three drug-free migraine treatments. Magnesium Supplementation Research has shown magnesium supplementation can benefit migraine sufferers, who as a group generally seem to have a magnesium deficiency. Read More 

Expedite Recovery after Car Accident: 3 Benefits That Massage Therapy Can Offer

Massage therapy is a common treatment for injuries sustained from auto accidents, as it can address many common injuries—sprains, strains, whiplash, muscle tightness and other injuries. Massage therapy is popular due to the fact that it is non-invasive and highly effective. If you're still on the fence, below are 3 benefits that massage therapy can offer. Improve Scar Tissue A lot of accident victims will have scar tissues that they'd like to see disappear. Read More