
Relaxing massage therapy

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Relaxing massage therapy

I find myself being unable to get to sleep sometimes due to my back pain. There are many research papers on back pain but I know that one of the best therapies is massage. I like to try different options so I have been researching which option is the most successful for both immediate pain relief and long term reduction of back pain. On this site I keep a track of current research as well as different practical techniques people use. It's great to be able to understand how people are working on your body and be an active participant in your recovery.



4 Reasons to See a Sports Masseur When You Have Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, despite the name, is not a condition seen only in tennis players. A repetitive stress injury that affects the muscles surrounding the elbow, it can occur among other types of people who commonly place plenty of stress on their arms, including those involved in repetitive tasks or heavy lifting.

In any case, tennis elbow can be an extremely unpleasant sports injury; discomfort can become quite severe, and it's a real pain having to wait for the condition to heal. That said, you can help the recovery process along by seeing a sports masseur.

Here are just four reasons why.  

1. A Sports Massage Can Improve Blood Flow

When tennis elbow strikes, inflammation occurs. This means that blood is suddenly less able to access all areas, which is unfortunate since a healthy flow of blood is required to carry away any toxins and bring in plenty of oxygen and minerals. When the flow of blood is restricted, the recovery process will take a lot longer. Luckily, you can just have a sports massage; the masseur will be able to gently massage the area to improve the flow of blood.

2. Eases Tendon Tension

Easing the flow of blood is important, but you'll also want to ensure that the tendons are loosened. When tennis elbow occurs, the tendons surrounding the elbow become tight and inflamed; this is one reason why it becomes painful to fully extend your arm when you are suffering from the condition.

A sports masseur will be able to use different techniques that are specifically used to relieve tendon tension. For example, cross frictional massage is perfect for mobilizing extensor muscles and moving tendons apart. Just keep in mind that it's always best to use a qualified sports masseur when you have tennis elbow, using the wrong technique at the wrong time could increase stress and inflammation. In contrast, a sports masseur will treat your sessions like a recovery program, increasing intensity and changing technique as the process progresses.

3. Helps Identify Strain Patterns

Another reason to use a qualified sports masseur when you have tennis elbow is that they will be able to identify the specific location of your injury. Obviously tennis elbow affects the elbow, but it could be that the main areas of inflammation are either on the inside or the outside, or it could be that tendons are stiffer above rather than below the elbow joint. These are small differences, but they do matter. A sports masseur will be able to identify such smaller differences and work around them to ease the recovery process.

4. Tell You How to Stretch

Finally, a qualified sports masseur will be able to tell you how you should be stretching and using your elbow between sessions in order to avoid further injury and speed up the recovery process. When you come back for your next session, they can check your elbow to see how your efforts have been paying off.